
About Us

The Folsom Youth Lacrosse (FYL) is a  

501(c)(3) Public Charity. 

While our association is newer, our sport...Lacrosse (LAX) is not!

Lacrosse is the oldest team sport in North America and is reported to be the fastest growing team sport in Northern California. The Folsom community has fielded youth and high school level teams for the past several years.

Our boys and girls teams have grown competitively along with other Sacramento area Lacrosse teams. Parents, families and players are so involved and enthusiastic about this sport that the FLA was formed to encourage and foster the sport of Lacrosse with boys and girls from youth through high school.

The FLA is organized to educate our communities and promote the opportunity to play this fast pace and exciting sport of Lacrosse, through player's clinics, qualified coaching, access to information and resources, regular email communications and updates, a chance to make a difference as an active member, contribute to our programs as a volunteer, and encourage support of Lacrosse for our area youth in team sponsorship. 

For more information, please contact us today!

Folsom Youth Lacrosse, P.O. Box 1185, Folsom CA 95763

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